It seems that I get the most ideas running through my brain at 5:30 in the morning. Today I was thinking about life as a mother, raising children, working, being a wife, and trying to juggle it all and still have some time left at the end of the day for me.
It seems impossible and yet there are days when life just flows. I can get a myriad of things done effortlessly and still feel energized at the end of the day. Other days, the smallest activity is exhausting or irritating. The day drags on and I am completely exhausted by the evening. So what is the difference between those two types of days? I wondered if it was the amount of sleep I had previously. Perhaps it was what I had or had not eaten? I know that exercise often helps me feel and stay energized so maybe that was it? When I analyzed examples of two different days, I still could not pinpoint the reason based on food, sleep or exercise.
So what was it? Well, I realized that it was my ability to stay focused in the present throughout the day. When I am focused on an activity, the time just flies. I enjoy what I am doing, I am able to do it well because I am focused and I am not distracted by anything else.
Focusing on the present allows us to successfully accomplish whatever is in front of us. We can then move on to another activity knowing that we have ‘finished’ the first one. By doing this continually throughout the day, it is amazing how many different activities can be approached and completed and you will still have some energy left.
That is not to say that we cannot plan for the future. Planning for the future is an activity in and of itself. Try sitting down and making a mental list (or an actual one if you prefer) of what you want to accomplish today. Then put is aside and move on with your day. You may or may not need to refer to it. The items that need to get done will and you will probably have time to spare.
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