Each one of us has challenges that we face in our lives. These may be pertaining to ourselves or to relating with those around us. Some may have physical handicaps, others may be living with/raising others with disabilities. Others could include emotional, social or financial challenges. The list is endless. The question is HOW do you view these challenges?
Do you choose to consider yourself ‘unlucky’ in life? Or do you blame an external source for your situation? Interestingly, the challenges we face are really blessings to teach.
This week, journal to discover if you find yourself faced with a challenge in your life. How do you view this challenge? If you have been blaming or considering yourself unlucky, trying looking for the blessing instead. What is this particular situation or relationship teaching you about yourself. And what have you learned as you work through this experience.
Often, the most difficult circumstances are the ones that propel us forward and teach us the true meaning of life.
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