Routines are such a blessing because they provide us with structure in our daily lives. For some families routines are necessary to ensure a smooth day. Yet that same routine can turn us into robots performing activities, work, relationships without thinking about what we are doing. So every once in awhile consider mixing up your routine.
- If you drive the same route to work each day choose a different one.
- If you have an established exercise routine try doing it in reverse order.
- If you have a set weekly dinner menu, switch the days around.
Shifting your routines throughout your day forces you to focus on what is in front of you. It helps you get reacquainted with your surroundings. The activity that was previously automated and boring will come alive again. You will be surprised at what you may learn about yourself and your surroundings in the process.
Each day, take time to reorient yourself to the task at hand and you will appreciate each moment in greater depth.
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