Frequently we are led to judge others and ourselves. Judgment becomes a fallback position when something doesn’t happen the way we want it or expect it to occur. Not only do we blame ourselves but also we blame the other. The accident was not my fault. If the other person had just signaled I would have known they were turning. I only got irritated because he hadn’t cleared up the mess that he said he was going to put away. He is always looking out for himself and doesn’t care about me.
What does Acceptance really mean? Acceptance is the ability to exercise non-judgment and meet people on their level. More importantly Acceptance is about seeing yourself with non-judgment. Acceptance does not require you to encourage a behavior that does not resonate with you nor it does it require you to condone it. And equally important is the recognition that there is no obligation to maintain relationships with others whose behaviors do not resonate with you.
Next time you are faced with a situation that is contrary to your belief system, stop and release judgment. Accept the situation, the person and the behavior for what it is. Decide if you want to engage in the action and continue in the relationship; reminding yourself that you are not condoning the behavior just accepting it.
Releasing judgment and choosing acceptance will shift the dynamic of the situation and the relationship.
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